I was recently asked if I'd made up the character of Baroness Bolsover. ABSOLUTELY NOT! I can assure you, I'm a real person.
Who is Baroness Bolsover
I was born in Dublin on the 8th of November 1834 and christened Augusta Mary Elizabeth Browne.

When did you become a Baroness
I was given the title of Baroness Bolsover, of Bolsover Castle, by my beloved Queen Victoria herself in April 1880. What an honour it was!

In fact, I’m the one and only Baroness of Bolsover Castle in the entire history of our planet… I think that’s quite an achievement!
Why did they make you a Baroness
To be honest, I think they felt sorry for me. You see, my husband Lt Gen Arthur Cavendish-Bentinck and I were in line to become the 6th Duke & Duchess of Portland. However, my husband died suddenly in 1877, leaving the title and its inheritance to go to our eldest son, William Arthur, when the 5th Duke died.

When William Aruthur, who was in fact my stepson, became the 6th Duke of Portland in 1879, his brothers and sister instantly became titled Lords and Lady. With no actual blood tie to the new Duke, I remained plain Mrs Cavendish-Bentinck. It was a bit embarrassing really, especially as I was practically running the household!
So, the Duke had a quiet word with Prime Minister Disraeli, who mentioned the delicate situation to the Queen, and before you know it...I'm the Baroness of Bolsover. How wonderful is that! It just goes to show, it's not what you know...
Did you live at Bolsover Castle
Oh no, it was practically a ruin by the time we arrived in the 1880’s, far too draughty for me. Our main residence was Welbeck Abbey in Nottinghamshire, but we loved our frequent visits to Bolsover Castle and Bolsover Parish Church where many of my family members, including my dear husband, lay in the Cavendish Crypt.

What does Baroness Bolsover DO
I also entertain people throughout the year with my splendid Afternoon Tea Etiquette Talk, called 'Simply No Slurping'. It's such fun taking people back to Victorian times and teaching them how to become the Crème de la Crème of the Tea Party.

I often make personal appearances at Events and private functions. The presence of a true Victorian Lady does make an occasion rather special.
"Many thanks to Baroness Bolsover for making our Golden Wedding Celebration so memorable… it was all a big secret until her entrance and then the fun began with a fabulous performance!" - Lee & Lorraine Bytheway, Bolsover
What is Baroness Bolsover like
"The Baroness is a wonderful character! Friendly, charming, humorous and knowledgeable...we had such fun!" - Gill Holmes, President, Swanwick WI
That's what I like to hear. I mean, you can’t take tea etiquette too seriously can you, though slurping is totally unacceptable and as for dunking… well, let’s not go there! I consider myself a liberated woman having cast off my corset years ago...dreadful things, I don’t know how we managed!
How can I book Baroness Bolsover
You can contact me in several ways, but please, I no longer recommend sending a pigeon... mind you, with the price of stamps these days!
07930 258 399
Let’s chat and see how I can make your event truly memorable.
or fill in the
Contact Form
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DO take a look at my other Blogs where I show you how to make a splendid Victorian Hat

You can also see my magnificent Victorian Tea Gown in the making

and discover more of my history and things to do in Bolsover.
Please, DO ask me some more questions at the end of the blog or leave your comments, there's so much more to discover!
And I’ll look forward to hearing from you and hopefully meeting you all VERY soon.